Friends and Family of Dennis and Story Landis
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 !  Our intertwined lives and times


Dennis M. D. Landis, MD, is joining Georgetown University



Dennis Michael Doyle Landis





1967 A.B. Harvard College, Cambridge. Massachusetts

1971 M.D. Harvard Medical School. Boston. Massachusetts

Postdoctoral Training:

Internships and Residencies:

1971-1972 Medical Intern, University Hospital of San Diego County, San Diego. California

1974-1975 Medical Resident, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Clinical Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School

1975-1978 Neurology Resident, Massachusetts General Hospital, Clinical Fellow in Neurology, Harvard Medical School

Research Fellowship:

1972-1974 Staff Associate, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

Sabbatical Study

            1992  Institut für Hirnforschung der Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

Licensure and Certification:

Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine (1975)

Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (Neurology) (1979)

Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (Vascular Neurology) (2005)

Academic Appointments:

1978-1979 Instructor in Neurology, Harvard Medical School

1979-1983 Assistant Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School

1983-1985 Assistant Professor of Neurology (Neuroscience), Harvard Medical School

1985-1988 Associate Professor of Neurology, Developmental Genetics and Anatomy, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

1988-1990 Associate Professor of Neurology and Center for Neurosciences, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

1990- 1996 Professor of Neurology and Neurosciences, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University

1994-1996 Acting Chairman, Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University

1996- 2006 Gilbert W. Humphrey Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University

2007-2008 Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine

2009- Professor, Department of Neurology, Georgetown University

Hospital Appointments:

1978-1985 Associate Neuropathologist, Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center for Mental Retardation. Waltham, Massachusetts

1978-1979 Assistant in Neurology. Massachusetts General Hospital

1979-1985 Assistant Neurologist. Massachusetts General Hospital

1985-1990 Associate Neurologist. University Hospitals of Cleveland

1990-- Neurologist, University Hospitals of Cleveland

1996--2006 Director, Department of Neurology, University Hospitals of Cleveland

2007--Director, Department of Neurology, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston

Other Professional Positions and Major Visiting Appointments:

1977-1989 Instructor. summer course in Neurobiology. Marine Biological Laboratories, Woods Hole. Massachusetts

2000-2001 Special Assistant for Career Development, Division of Extramural Research, National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke, NIH, Bethesda, MD

2005- Special Assistant to the Director, National Institute of Child Health and Development, NIH, Bethesda, MD

Awards and Honors:

1963-1967 Harvard College Scholarship

1967 A.B. cum laude in Biology

1968,1969 Harvard Summer Research Grant

1971 Boylston Prize (shared), Harvard Medical School

1971 M.D. cum laude for thesis in special field

1978 NINCDS Teacher Investigator Award

1989 Javits Neuroscience Investigator Award

Major Committee Assignments:

Massachusetts General Hospital:

Committee on Adult Neurology Training Program, 1978-85 Departmental)

Committee for Neurology Postgraduate Course, 1980-85 (Departmental)

Committee on Research, Subcommittee on Review of Research Proposals, 1980-1984. Chairman, 1982-1984 (Hospital)

University Hospitals of Cleveland:

Committee on Neurology Resident Education (Departmental) 1986-

Committee on Faculty Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (Departmental) 1987-

Committee on Foley-Nulsen Library (Departmental) 1988-96

Committee on Medical Credentialing (Hospital), 1994-96

Quality Monitoring Council, 1998-

Future Competitiveness Task Force, 1998-99

Board of Directors, ex-officio, 2001-2005

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine:

Steering Committee, Medical Scientist Training Program, 1986-95

Faculty Council, 1987-1990

Federal Demonstration Project Committee, Office of Research Administration, 1988-92

Dean's Task Force on Neuroscience, Chairman, 1990

Task Force on Majors (Curriculum Review), 1990-1991

CWRU--Cleveland Clinic Foundation Task Force, 1991-1992

Dean's Committee on Research Directions, 1992-93

CWRU--Committee for strategic plan for research vitality, 1993-94

Council of Clinical Chairmen, 1996-;

 Vice-President, 1997-2001

 President, 2001-2005

The Millennium Curriculum, Steering Committee, 1997-99

Ad Hoc Faculty Committee for CWRU-UHC Partnership 2002

National and Regional:

Medical and Research Advisory Board, National Ataxia Foundation

Neurological Sciences Ad Hoc Study Section, 1984

Neurology B-l Study Section. Ad Hoc Reviewer, 1986, 1987

Gordon Research conferences, Organizing Committee for Neural Plasticity. 1987-97

Neurology B-l Study Section. Member 1988 -1992

Non-Neural Cell Working Group, NINDS, NIH 1998-2000

Editorial Boards:

Synapse,  1986—2004

Neurobiology of Disease, 1994—2000

Journal of Neurocytology,  1998--2000

Manuscripts also reviewed for Brain Research, Developmental Biology, J. Cell Biology, J. Comparative Neurology, J. Histochem. Cytochem., J. Neuroscience, J. Neuropathology Experimental Neurology, Nature, Neurology, Neuroscience, Science, Trends in Neuroscience

Professional Societies:

1973- Society for Neuroscience

1978- American Academy of Neurology

1982-98 American Society for Cell Biology

1987- American Neurological Association

1988-94 Society for Experimental Neuropathology

1995-2000 Joint Section on Cerebrovascular Surgery

1995- American Heart Association

1996- Association of University Professors of Neurology

Memberships, Offices, and Committee Assignments:

Society for Neuroscience

1980- Organizing Committee. Neurobiology of Disease Workshop. Society for Neuroscience

1981-84 Program Committee, Society for Neuroscience

1989-95 Education Committee, Society for Neuroscience

                        Chairman, 1992-1995

      2004-Finance Committee

American Academy of Neurology

1995-99 Foundation Research Award Subcommittee, American Academy of Neurology

2003-Research Council, American Academy of Neurology

2004-Nominating Committee

American Neurological Association

      1989-91 Membership Committee, American Neurological Association

1996-99; 2004- Long Range Planning Committee, American Neurological Association

1997-99 Councilor, American Neurological Association

      2004-05 Vice President

Association of University Professors of Neurology

1999-2004 Graduate Medical Education Committee, Association of University Professors of Neurology

            Chairman, 2002-2003

            Director, MD/PhD Course, 2002-2004

      2002- First Vice President, Association of University Professors of Neurology

2007 President, Association of University Professors of Neurology

1988-96 Organizing Committee and Founding Member, Society for Experimental Neuropathology

2001- Examiner, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

2001- 2004  Operation Stroke (Cleveland), Medical Subcommittee, American Heart Association

            Chairman, 2001-2002

Major Research Interests:

Structure and function at synaptic junctions in the central nervous system.

Membrane and cytoplasmic structure in astrocytes.

Astrocyte function during development, in the adult, and in the response to injury.

Thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke

Teaching Experience:

Massachusetts General Hospital (1978-1985):

Lecturer, Neurology Postgraduate Course, 1978-1982 .

Lecturer, Postgraduate Course, Peripheral Neuropathies: Diagnosis and Management, 1982-1985

Lecturer, Postgraduate Course, Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1982-1985

Organizer and lecturer, Lecture Series on Neurobiology, Committee on Research, MGH, Spring 1980.

Attending Physician, Neurology Service 1979-1985 (Teaching Medical Students and Residents)

Attending Physician, Neurology Consultation Service 1980-1985  (Teaching Residents)

Adviser for Research Postdoctoral Fellows.

Marine Biological Laboratory:

Instructor, Neurobiology Course at the Marine Biological Laboratories, Woods Hole. MA. 1977-1989 (Teaching Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows).

Lecturer. Review & Update in Neurobiology for Neurosurgeons, 1984-1994  (Post-graduate course for neurosurgeons and neurosurgical residents)

Case Western Reserve University:

Attending Physician. Neurology Service. Veterans Administration Hospital 1986-

Attending Physician. Neurology Service, University Hospitals of Cleveland. 1986-

Lecturer, School of Medicine

Principal Clinical and Hospital Service Responsibilities:

Massachusetts General Hospital (1978-1985)

Attending Physician, Neurology Service.

Attending Physician, Neurology Consultation Service.

Director, Muscular Dystrophy Association Clinic.

Veterans Administration Hospital. Cleveland  (1985-2004)

Attending Physician, Neurology Service, University Hospitals of Cleveland 1985-2006

Director, Department of Neurology, University Hospitals of Cleveland, 1995-2006

Director, Department of Neurology, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston

Major Administrative Responsibilities:

Massachusetts General Hospital (1978-1985)

Director, Neurology Electron Microscopy Unit.

Director, Laboratory of Neurocytology.

Director, Muscular Dystrophy Association Clinic

Case Western Reserve University (1985-2006 )

Director, Laboratory of Neurocytology, 1985-1997

Acting Chairman, Department of Neurology (1994-95)

Chairman, Department of Neurology (1995-2006 )

Baylor College of Medicine

Chairman, Department of Neurology, 2007--


Original Reports (through December, 2006)

1.   Landis. DMD, Reese, TS. Arrays of particles in freeze-fractured astrocytic membranes. J Cell Biol. 60:316-320. 1974.

2.   Heuser, JE, Reese, TS, Landis, DMD. Functional changes in frog neuromuscular junctions studied with freeze-fracture. J Neurocytol. 3:109-131. 1974.

3.   Landis, DMD, Reese, TS, Raviola, E. Differences in membrane structure between excitatory and inhibitory components of the reciprocal synapse in the olfactory bulb. J Comp Neurol. 155:67-92. 1974.

4.   Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Differences in membrane structure between excitatory and inhibitory synapses in the cerebellar cortex. J Comp Neurol, 155:93-126, 1974.

5.   Landis, DMD, Rosenberg, RN, Landis, SC, Schut, L, Nyhan, WL. Olivopontocerebellar degeneration. Clinical and ultrastructural abnormalities. Arch Neurol, 31:295-307. 1974.

6.   Nabeshima, S, Reese, TS, Landis, DMD, Brightman, MW. Junctions in the meninges and marginal glia. J Comp Neurol, 164:127-170, 1975.

7.   Heuser, JE, Reese, TS. Landis, DMD. Preservation of synaptic structure by rapid freezing. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, Vol. XL, pp. 17-24, 1976.

8.   Henkart, M, Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Similarity of junctions between plasma membranes and endoplasmic reticulum in muscle and neurons. J Cell Biol, 70:338-347, 1976.

9.   Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Structure of the Purkinje cell membrane in staggerer and weaver mutant mice. J Comp Neurol, 171:247-260, 1977.

10. Landis, DMD, Sidman, RL. Electron microscopic analysis of postnatal histogenesis in the cerebellar cortex of staggerer mutant mice. J Comp Neurol, 179:831-864, 1978.

11. Gulley, RL, Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Internal organization of membranes at end bulbs of Held in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus. J Comp Neurol, 180:707-742, 1978.

12. Landis, DMD, Williams, RS, Masters, CL. Golgi and electron microscopic studies of spongiform encephalopathy. Neurol, 31:538-549, 1981.

13. Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Membrane structure in mammalian astrocytes: A review of freeze-fracture studies on adult, developing, reactive and cultured astrocytes. J Exp Biol, 95:35-48, 1981.

14. Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Astrocyte membrane structure: Changes after circulatory arrest. J Cell Biol, 88:660-663, 1981.

15. Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Regional organization of astrocytic membranes in cerebellar cortex. Neurosci. 7:937-950, 1982.

16. Halperin, JJ, Landis, DMD, Kleinman, GM. Whipple's Disease of the nervous system. Neurol. 32:612-617, 1982.

17. Halperin, JJ, Landis, DMD, Lott, IT, Ment, L. Neuroaxonal dystrophy and Down's syndrome - a case report. Arch Neurol. 39:587-591. 1982.

18. Millard, WJ, Sagar, SM, Landis, DMD. Martin, JB, Badger, TM. Cysteamine: A potent and specific depletor of pituitary prolactin. Science, 217:452-454, 1982.

19. Landis, DMD. Structure and function at synapses. Trends in Neurosci, 5: 215-216, 1982.

20. Sagar, SM, Rorstad, OP, Landis, DMD, Arnold, MA, Martin, JB. Somatostatin- like immunoreactive material in the rabbit retina. Brain Res, 244:91-99, 1982.

21. Landis, DMD, Weinstein, LA, Halperin, JJ. Development of synaptic junctions in cerebellar glomeruli. Dev Brain Res. 8:231-245. 1983.

22. Landis, DMD, Weinstein, LA. Membrane structure in cultured astrocytes. Brain Res, 276:31-41. 1983.

23. Marshall, PE, Landis, DMD, Zalneraitis, EL. Immunocytochemical studies of Substance-P and leu-enkephalin in Huntington's Disease. Brain Res, 289:11-26, 1983.

24. Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Cytoplasmic organization in cerebellar dendritic spines. J Cell Biol. 97:1169-1178, 1983.

25. Halperin, JJ, Landis, DMD, Weinstein, LA, Lott, IT, Kolodny, E. Communicating hydrocephalus and Iysosomal inclusions in mannosidosis. Arch Neurol. 41:777-779. 1984.

26. Weinstein, LA, Landis, DMD, Sagar, SM, Millard, WJ, Martin, JB. Cysteamine depletes prolactin (PRL) but does not alter the structure of PRL-containing granules in the anterior pituitary. Endocrin. 115:1543-1550. 1984.

27. Sagar, SM, Beal, MF, Marshall, PE, Landis, DMD, Martin, JB. Implications of neuropeptides in neurological diseases. Peptides. 5:255-262. 1984.

28. Hallett, M. Landis, DMD, Harris, NL, Richardson, Jr.. EP. An elderly man with progressive neuropathy and elevated gamma globulins. Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital, No. 32. NE J Med, 311:388-398, 1984.

29. Reese, BH, Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Organization of the cerebellar cortex viewed by scanning electron microscopy. Neurosci, 14:133-146, 1985.

30. Marshall, PE, Landis, DMD. Huntington's Disease is accompanied by changes in the distribution of somatostatin-containing neuronal processes. Brain Res, 329:7182,1985.

31. Sagar, SM, Marshall, PE, Landis, DMD. Immunoreactive somatostatin in the rat retina: Light microscopic immunocytochemistry and chromatographic characterization. Brain Res, 336:235-242, 1985.

32. Benson, TE, Burd, GD, Greer, CA, Landis, DMD, Shepherd, GM. High-resolution 2-deoxyglucose autoradiography in quick-frozen slabs of neonatal rat olfactory bulb. Brain Res. 339:67-78, 1985.

33. Harris, KM, Marshall, PE, Landis, DMD. Ultrastructural study of cholecystokinin-immunoreactive cells and processes in area CAI of the rat hippocampus. J. Comp. Neurol. 233:147-158. 1985.

34. Landis, DMD. Promise and pitfalls in immunocytochemistry. Trends Neurosci 8: 312-317, 1985

35. Beal, MF, Marshall, PE, Burd, GD, Landis, DMD, Martin, JB. Excitotoxin lesions do not mimic the alteration of somatostatin in Huntington's disease. Brain Res, 361:135-145, 1985

36. Andrews, SB, Leapman, RD, Landis, DMD, Fiori, CE, Reese, TS. Rapid freezing and quantitative elemental imaging in neurobiology. Proc. Micros. Soc. Canada 12: 24-25, 1985

37. Sagar, SM, Marshall, PE, Onesti, ST, Landis, DMD. Somatostatin immunocytochemistry in the rabbit retina. Investigative Opthalmol and Visual Sci. 27:316-322, 1986.

38. Harris, KM, Landis.,DMD. Membrane structure at synaptic junctions in area CAl of the rat hippocampus. Neuroscience 19: 857-872, 1986.

39. Theriault, E, Landis, DMD. Morphology of striatal neurons containing VIP-like immunoreactivity. J. Comp. Neurol. 256:1-13. 1987

40. Andrews, SB, Leapman, RD, Landis, DMD, and Reese. TS. The distribution of calcium and potassium in presynaptic nerve terminals from cerebellar cortex. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84: 1713-1717. 1987

41. Hallet, M, Fox, JG, Rogers, A, Nicolosi, R, Schoene, W, Goolsby, HA, Landis, DMD, Pezehkpour, G. Controlled studies on the effects of alcohol ingestion on peripheral nerves of monkeys. J. Neurol. Sci. 80:65-72. 1987

42. Landis, DMD. Initial junctions between developing parallel fibers and Purkinje cells are different from mature synaptic junctions. J. Comp. Neurol. 260:513-525, 1987

43. Landis, DMD, Weinstein, LA, and Reese, TS. Substructure in the postsynaptic density of Purkinje cell spines revealed by rapid freezing and etching. Synapse 1:552-558, 1987

44. Andrews, SB, Leapman, RD, Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Activity-dependent accumulation of calcium in Purkinje cell dendritic spines. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 85:1682-1685, 1988

45. Landis, DMD, Hall, AK, Weinstein, LA, Reese, TS. The organization of cytoplasm at the presynaptic active zone of a central nervous system synapse. Neuron 1:201-209. 1988.

46. Landis, DMD. Membrane and cytoplasmic structure at synaptic junctions in the mammalian central nervous system. J. Electron Microscopy Technique 10:129-151, 1988.

47. Landis, DMD, Payne, HR, Weinsten, LA. Changes in the structure of synaptic junctions during climbing fiber synaptogenesis. Synapse 4:281-293, 1989

48. Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Substructure in the assemblies of intramembrane particles in astrocytic membranes. J. Neurocytol. 18: 819-831, 1989.

49. Landis, DMD, Weinstein, LA, Skordeles, CJ. Serum influences the differentiation of membrane structure in cultured astrocytes. Glia 3: 212-221, 1990.

50. Landis, DMD, Weinstein, LA, Skordeles, CJ. The effects of dexamethasone on the differentiation of membrane structure in cultured astrocytes. Glia 4: 335-344, 1991.

51. Landis, DMD, Welter, E, Skordeles, CJ. A novel epitope expressed on the surface of developing and mature astrocytes. Neuroscience 45:467-477, 1991

52. Pozzo Miller, LD, Landis, DMD.  Cytoplasmic structure in organotypic cultures of rat hippocampus prepared by rapid freezing and freeze substitution fixation.  Synapse 13: 195-205, 1993

53. Pozzo Miller, LD, Mahanty, NK, Connor, JA, Landis, DMD.  Spontaneous pyramidal cell death in organotypic slice cultures from rat hippocampus is prevented by glutamate receptor antagonists.  Neuroscience 63: 471-487, 1994

54. Lanzieri, CF, Tarr, RW, Landis, DMD, Lewin, JS, Adler, LP, Selman, WR, Silvers, JB.  Cost effectiveness of emergent intra-arterial intracerebral thrombolysis.  Amer J. Neuroradiol. 16:1981-1993, 1995

55. Tarr, R , Taylor, CL, Selman, WR, , Lewin, JS, and Landis DMD.  Good clinical outcome in a patient with a large CT scan hypodensity treated with intra-arterial urokinase after an embolic stroke.  Neurology 47: 1076-1078, 1996

56. Merlin, D, Guo, X, Martin, K, Laboisse, C, Landis, D, Dubyak, G, and Hopfer, U.  Recruitment of purinergically stimulated Cl- channels from granule membrane to plasma memberane.  American J. Physiol. 271:C612-C619, 1966

57. Rottach, KG, Von Maydell, RD, Vallabhe, D, Zivotofsky, AZ, Discenna, AO, Gordon, JL, Landis, DMD., and Leigh, RJ  Evidence for independent feedback control of horizontal and vertical saccades from Niemann-Pick Type C Disease.  Vision Res. 37: 3627-3638, 1997

58. Selman, WR, Tarr, R, Landis, DMD.  Brain Attack.  The Emergency Treatment of Ischemic Stroke.  American Family Physician 55: 2655-2662, 1997

59. Sunshine, JL., Tarr, RW, Landis, DMD, Lanzieri, CF, Selman, WR, Lewin, JS  Hyperacute stroke: ultrafast MR imaging to triage patients prior to therapy.  Radiology 212: 325-332, 1999.

60.    Suarez, JI, Sunshine, JL, Tarr, R, Selman, WR, Kernich, C, and Landis, DMD.  Predictors of clinical improvement, angiographic recanalization, and intracranial hemorrhage after intra-arterial thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke.  Stroke 30: 2094-2100, 1999

61.    Zaidat, OO, Werz, MA, Landis, DMD, and Selman, W.  Orthostatic limb shaking from carotid hypoperfusion.  Neurology 53: 650-651, 1999

62.    Sunshine, JL, Bambakidis, N, Tarr, RW, Lanzieri, CF,Zaidat, OO, Suarez, JI,Landis, DMD, and Selman, WR  The benefits of perfusion MR imaging relative to diffusion MR imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of hyperacute stroke. Am J Neuroradiol 22:915-21, 20001

63.    Suarez, JI, Zaidat, OO, Sunshine, JL, Tarr, R. Selman, WR, and Landis, DMD.  Endovascular administration after intravenous infusion of thrombolytic agents for the treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke.  Neurosurg 50: 251-260, 2002

64.    Zaidat, OO, Suarez, JI, Santillan, C, Sunshine, J, Tarr, R, Parras, VH, Selman, WR, Landis, DMD.  Response to intra-arterial thrombolytic therapy and combined intravenous and intra-arterial therapy in patients with distal internal carotid artery occlusion.  Stroke 33: 1821-1827, 2002.

65.    Katzan, IL, Graber, TM, Furlan, AJ, Sundararajan, S, Sila, CA, Houser, G. Landis, DM.  Cuyahoga county Operation Stroke speed of emergency department evaluation and compliance with National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke time targets.  Stroke 34:994-998, 2003

66.    Zaidat, OO, Zahuranec, DB, Ubogu, EE, Fernandes-Fihlo, JA, Suarez, JI, Sunshine, JL, Tarr, RW, Mirachi, S, Nour, SG, Selman, WR, Landis DMD.   Asymptomatic middle cerebral artery stenosis diagnosed by magnetic resonance angiography.  Neuroradiology 46: 49-53, 2004

67.    IMS Study Investigators.  Combined intravenous and intra-arterial recanalization for acute ischemic stroke:  the interventional management of stroke (IMS) study.  Stroke 35: 904-912, 2004

68.    Leigh, RL, Zaidat, OO, Suri, MF, Lynch, G, Sundararajan, S, Sunshine, JL, Tarr, R, Selman, W, Landis, DMD, and Suarez, JI Predictors of hyperacute clinical worsening in ischemic stroke patients receiving thrombolytic therapy.  Stroke 35: 1903-1907, 2004

69.    Zaidat, OO, Suarez, JI, Hedrick, D, Redline, S, Schluchter, M, Landis, DMD, Hoit, B.  Reproducibility of transesophageal echocardiography in evaluating aortic atheroma in stroke patients.  Echocardiography.;22:326-30, 2005.

70.    Zaidat OO, Suarez JI, Sunshine JL, Tarr RW, Alexander MJ, Smith TP, Enterline DS, Selman WR, Landis DM. Thrombolytic therapy of acute ischemic stroke: correlation of angiographic recanalization with clinical outcome. Am J Neuroradiol. 26:880-4, 2005.

71.    Zaidat OO, Slivka AP, Mohammad Y, Graffagnino C, Smith TP, Enterline DS, Christoforidis GA, Alexander MJ, Landis DM, Suarez JI. Intra-arterial thrombolytic therapy in peri-coronary angiography ischemic stroke.  Stroke. 36:1089-90, 2005.

72. Wolfe T, Suarez JI, Tarr, RW, Welter E, Landis DMD, Sunshine JL, Zaidat OO. Comparison of Combined Venous and Arterial Thrombolysis with Primary Arterial Therapy using rt-PA in Acute Ischemic Stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 17: 121-128, 2008

73. Hussain SI, Gilkeson RC, Suarez JI, Tarr R, Schluchter M, Landis, DMD, Zaidat OO. Comparing Multi-slice Electrocardiogram-Gated Spiral Computerized Tomography and Transesophageal Echocardiography in Evaluating Aortic Atheroma in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 17: 134-140, 2008

74. Pandya D, Gilkeson RC, Suarez JI, Tarr R, Schluchter M, Landis DMD, Zaidat OO. Inter and Intra-Observer Reliability of Multi-Slice Electrocardiogram-Gated Spiral Computerized Tomography in Evaluating Aortic Atheroma in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients. Clinical Imaging 32: 109-113, 2008.

75. Pundik, S, McWilliams-Dunnigan, L, Blackham, KL, Kirchner, HL, Sundararajan, S, Sunshine, JL, Tarr, RW, Selman, WR, Landis, DM, Suarez, JI. Older age does not increase risk of hemorrhagic complications after intravenous and/or intra-arterial thrombolysis for acute stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 17: 266-272, 2008

Book Chapters and Invited reviews

1.   Landis, DMD, Landis, SC. Several mutations in mice which affect the cerebellum. In: The Inherited Ataxias, edited by R.A. Kark, R.N. Rosenberg, and L.J. Schut. Raven Press, New York: 85-105. 1978.

2.   Landis, DMD, Landis, SC. Mutations which affect cerebellar structure in mice. In: Animal Models of Neurological Disease. edited by F.C. Rose. Plenum Press, London: pp. 281-293, 1980.

3.   Landis, DMD: Coma (Chapter 10), Acute Neurologic Disorders (Chapter 30). In: Emergency Medicine, edited by H. May. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1982.

4.   Martin, JB, Landis, DMD. Potential implications of peptides in neurological disease. In: Neurosecretion and Brain Peptides: Implications for Brain Functions and Neurological Disease, edited by J.B. Martin., S. Reichlin, and K.L. Bick. Raven Press. New York: pp. 673-689, 1980.

5.   Landis. DMD. Membrane structure and neurological disorders. In: Membrane Abnormalities and Disease. Vol. II, pp. 1-19, edited by M. Tao. CRC Press, Chicago: 1982.

6.   Landis, DMD. Dendritic spine structure and function. In: Neural Mechanisms of Conditioning. edited by D.L. Alkon and C.D. Woody. Plenum Press, New York: 1985. pp 141-149.

7.   Landis, DMD. Membrane Structure in Astrocytes. In: Astrocytes. Vol 3. edited by S. Fedoroff and A. Vernadakis. Academic Press. Inc, Florida: 1986. pp. 61-76.

8.   Landis, DMD, and Weinstein, LA. The formation of synaptic junctions in developing cerebellar cortex. In: New Concepts in Cerebellar Neurobiology. edited by J.S. King, Alan R. Liss. Inc. N.Y. 1987 pp 89-111.

9.   Landis, DMD. Cytoplasmic structure at synaptic junctions in the mammalian central nervous system. In: Intrinsic determinants of neuronal form. edited by R. Lasek. Raven Press, New York: pages 201-216. 1988.

10. Landis, DMD. Short term hypoxia does not alter membrane structure in cultured astrocytes. In: Biochemical Pathology of Astrocytes, edited by M. D. Norenberg. Alan R. Liss, Inc., pages 351-364.1988

11. Landis, DMD. Acute Neurologic Disorders.  In: Emergency Medicine, Second Edition, Vol. II, edited by H. L. May. Little, Brown pages 1597-1606. 1992.

12. Landis, DMD. Dizziness.  In: Emergency Medicine, Second Edition, Vol. II, edited by H. L. May. Little, Brown pages 1616-1619. 1992.

13. Landis, DMD. Weakness.  In: Emergency Medicine, Second Edition, Vol. II, edited by H. L. May. Little, Brown pages 1619-1622. 1992.

14. Landis, DMD. Spinal Cord Syndromes.  In: Emergency Medicine, Second Edition, Vol. II, edited by H. L. May. Little, Brown pages 1636-1637. 1992.

15. Landis, DMD. The early reactions of non-neuronal cells to brain injury.  In:  Annual Review of Neuroscience, Vol 17, pages 133-151, 1993

16. Landis, DMD.  Brain as tissue:  the interacting cell populations of the central nervous system.  In:  Cytokines:  Development, Defense and Disease, edited by R.M. Ransohoff and E. Benveniste, CRC Press  1995

17. Landis, DMD, Tarr, R, Selman, WR.  Thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke.  Neurosurgery Clinics of North America, Vol 8, pages 219-226, 1997

18. Landis, D.  Critical Pathways.  In:  Rapid Identification and Treatment of Acute Stroke, edited by J. R. Marler, P. W. Jones and M. Emr, NINDS, pages 83-85, 1997

19. Landis, DMD.  Current patterns and future possibilities in the care of acute ischemic stroke.  In:  Clinical Neurosurgery, Volume 45, Chapter 14, pages 135-139, edited by M. S. Grady,   Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1998

20. Selman, W, Taylor, C, Tarr, R, Sunshine, J, Lanzieri, C, Suarez, J and Landis, DMD.  The neurosurgeon and the acute stroke patient in the emergency department:  diagnosis and management  In:  Clinical Neurosurgery, Volume 45, Chapter 9, pages 74-85, edited by M. S. Grady,  Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1998

21.  Scott, PA, Starkman, S., Choi, JY, Connolly, BF, Furie, KL, Huff, JS, Kernan, WN, LaMonte, MP, Landis, DMD, Levine, SR, Matchar, D.B., Meyer, BC, Perina, DG, Saver, JL, Schwamm, LH.  Provider Support Systems for Acute Stroke.  In:  Improving the chain of recovery for acute stroke in your community. NINDS Task Force Reports, pp. 81-96, 2003


A1.   Landis, DMD. Cerebellar cortical development in the staggerer mutant mouse. Proc Am Soc Cell Biol. 1971; 159A.

A2.   Landis, DMD. Ultrastructure of Purkinje cells in familial olivoponto- cerebellar degeneration. J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 1974: 33:172.

A3.   Landis, DMD, Sidman, RL. Cerebellar cortical development in the staggerer mouse. J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 1974; 33:18.

A4.   Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Freeze-fracture study of excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Proc Soc Neurosci, 1973; 3:16.

A5.   Landis, DMD, Henkart, M, Reese, TS. Similar arrays of plasma membrane particles at subsurface cisterns in striated muscle and neurons. J Cell Biol, 1973; 59:184A.

A6.   Dubois-Dalq, M, Reese, TS, Barbosa, LH, Landis, DMD. Freeze-fracture study of Vero cells infected with SSPE virus. J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 1975; 34:87.

A7.   Reese, TS, Landis, DMD. Structure of cerebellar cortex prepared for freeze fracturing by rapid freezing. Proc Soc Neurosci, 1974; 4:388.

A8.   Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Membrane structure in rapidly frozen, freeze-fractured cerebellar cortex. J Cell Biol, 1974; 63:184A.

A9.   Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Structure of the Purkinje cell membrane in staggerer and weaver mutant mice. Proc Soc Neurosci, 1975; 5:215.

A10. Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Structure of the Purkinje cell dendritic membrane during synaptogenesis. Proc Soc Neurosci, 1977; 7:57.

A11. Landis, DMD, Williams, RS. Electron microscopic and Golgi studies of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. Neurol, 1979; 29:539.

A12. Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Astrocyte membrane structure changes after circulatory arrest. Neurol. 1979: 29:546.

A13. Landis, DMD, Reese. TS. Further studies of astrocyte membrane structure. Neurol. 1980; 30:406.

A14. Landis, DMD, Reese, TS, Sweadner, KJ, Weinstein, LA. Membrane structure in developing. mature, and cultured astrocytes. Proc Soc Neurosci. 1980: 6:325.

A15. Zalneraitis, EL, Landis, DMD, Richardson, Jr., EP, Selkoe, DJ. A comparison of astrocytic structure in cerebral cortex and striatum in Huntington's disease. Neurol. 1981: 31:151.

A16. Halperin, JJ, Landis, DMD. Freeze-fracture analysis of granule cell differentiation during postnatal cerebellar development. Neurol. 1981; 31:90.

A17. Zalneraitis, EL, Marshall.,PE, Landis, DMD. Immunocytochemical studies of neuropeptides in Huntington's disease. Neurol. 1981; 31:63.

A18. Halperin, JJ, Kleinman, GM, Landis, DMD. Whipple's Disease of the nervous system. Neurol. 1981: 31:100.

A19. Landis, DMD, Reese, TS, Ornberg, RL, Graham, WF. Substructure in astrocytic assemblies demonstrated by rapid freezing and low-temperature freeze fracturing. Proc Soc Neurosci. 1981: 7:305.

A20. Reese, BF, Landis, DMD. Details of cerebellar organization revealed by digestive preparations for scanning electron microscopy. Proc Soc Neurosci. 1981: 7:77.

A21. Sagar, SM, Rorstad, OP, Landis, DMD, Martin, JB. Somatostatin-like immunoreactive material in the rabbit retina. Proc Soc Neurosci. 1981: 7:278.

A22. Lott, IT, Daniel, PF, Halperin, JJ, Landis, DMD. CSF oligosaccharides, muscle ultrastructure, and the later course of mannosidosis. Neurol. 1982: 32:A142.

A23. Sagar, SM, Millard, WJ, Landis, DMD, Martin, JB. Depletion of prolactin by cysteamine. Am Soc Clin Invest, 1982.

A24. Marshall, PE, Burd, GD, Landis, DMD. Somatostatin in the neostriatum and substantia nigra in normal human brain and in Huntington's Disease. Soc Neurosci, 1982; 8:507.

A25. Burd, GD, Marshall, PE, Beal, MF, Landis, DMD, Martin, JB. Effects of kainic and ibotenic acid on the neostriatal somatostatin system of the rat. Soc Neurosci; 1982; 8:507.

A26. Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Organization of filaments in presynaptic and postsynaptic cytoplasm revealed in rapidly frozen cerebellar cortex. Soc Neurosci, 1982; 8:280.

A27. Halperin, JJ, Weinstein, LA, Landis, DMD. Membrane structure during postnatal synaptogenesis in cerebellar glomeruli. Soc Neurosci, 1982; 8:863.

A28. Marshall, PE, Landis, DMD, Williams, RS. Fibers containing somatostatin- like immunoreactivity increase in the neostriatum in Huntington's Disease. Neurol, 1983; 33:159 (Suppl. 2).

A29. Marshall, PE, Harris, KM, Landis, DMD. Light and electron microscopic studies of rat hippocampal cells containing cholecystokinin immunoreactivity in area CAl. Soc Neurosci, 1983; 9:218.

A30. Harris, KM, Landis, DMD. Freeze-fracture study of membrane structure in the CAl region of rat hippocampus. Soc Neurosci, 1983; 9:1176.

A31. Williams, RS, Marshall, PE, Landis, DMD. Morphology of somatostatin neurons in the human putamen; a correlative immunocytochemical-rapid Golgi study. Soc Neurosci, 1983; 9:658.

A32. Weinstein, LA, Landis, DMD. Cysteamine depletes prolactin, but does not alter the structure of prolactin-containing granules. Soc Neurosci, 1983; 9:658.

A33. Landis, DMD. Formation of synaptic junctions during postnatal development in cerebellar cortex. Soc Neurosci, 1983; 9:658.

A34. Sagar, SM, Marshall, PE, Landis, DMD. Light microscopic immunocytochemistry of somatostatin in the rat retina. Soc Neurosci, 1983; 9:658.

A35. Benson, TE, Pedersen, PE, Burd, GD, Landis, DMD, Shepherd, GM. Electron microscopic deoxyglucose autoradiography of " slam " frozen olfactory bulb. Soc Neurosci, 1983: 9:658.

A36. Marshall, PE, Martin, JB, Millard, WJ, Sagar, SM, Landis, DMD. The distribution of growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) in the human hypothalamus. 7th Internatl Congress Endocrinol. 1984.

A37. Theriault, E, Marshall, PE, Landis, DMD. Morphology of neurons containing VIP-like immunoreactivity in the rat striatum. Soc Neurosci. 1984: 10:701.

A38. Landis, DMD.,Reese, TS. Cytoplasmic filaments at the presynaptic active zone in rapidly frozen cerebellar cortex. Soc Neurosci. 1984; 10:545.

A39. Andrews, SB, Leapman, RD, Landis, DMD, Fiori, CE. Reese, TS. Elemental distribution in rapid-frozen cerebellar cortex. J Cell Biol. 1984: 99:1566.

A40. Landis, DMD, Reese, TS. Cytoplasmic structure at the synaptic active zone.  Neurol, 1985; 35:266 (Suppl 1)

A41. Landis, DMD, Andrews, SB, Leapman, RD, Fiori, CE, Reese, TS. Membrane-bound cisterns in dendritic spines may sequester calcium. Neurol. 1985.

A42. Andrews, SB, Leapman, RD, Landis, DMD, and Reese, TS. Are presynaptic calcium stores present in central nervous system synapses. Soc Neurosci. 1985; 11: 644

A43. Landis, DMD, Weinstein, LA, and Coe, EL The differentiation of membrane structure in cultured astrocytes. Soc Neurosci. 1985; 11: 776

A44. Weinstein LA. and Landis. DMD Anoxia does not alter membrane structure in cultured astrocytes. Soc Neurosci, 1985; 11:777

A45. Andrews, SB, Leapman, RD, Landis, DMD, Fiori, CE. and Reese, TS.  Quantitative elemental imaging of rapidly-frozen neural tissues: application to the identification of intracellular calcium stores. Low Temperature Biological Microscopy Meeting, Cambridge, UK 1985

A46. Landis, DMD, and Weinstein, LA. Temporary synapses formed by climbing fibers have a structure different from mature synapses. Soc Neurosci, 1986, 12:191

A47. Landis, DMD, Substructure in the Postsynaptic Density of Purkinje Cell Dendritic Spines Revealed by Rapid Freezing and Etching, Soc. Neurosci., 1987, 13:313

A48. Weinstein, LA, Skordeles, CJ, and Landis, DMD. Astrocyte membrane differentiation is influenced by co-culture with endothelial cells. Soc. Neurosci. 1988, 14:430

A49. Skordeles, CJ, Weinstein, LA, and Landis, DMD. Dexamethasone and forskolin exert opposite influences on membrane differentiation in cultured astrocytes. Soc. Neurosci, 1988, 14:431

A50. Landis, DMD, Dexamethasone alters membrane structure in cultured astrocytes. Ann. Neurol. 26:117, 1989

A51. Landis, DMD, Co-culture with endothelial cells influences astrocyte membrane differentiation. Ann. Neurol. 26:295

A52. Andrews, SB, Landis, DMD, and Reese, TS Calcium accumulation in endoplasmic reticulum of Purkinje cell dendrites. Soc Neurosci., 1989, 15:183

A53. Landis, DMD, Weinstein, LA, Skordeles, CJ, and Payne, HR. Monoclonal antibodies which bind selectively to astrocytic epitopes. Soc. Neurosci.,1989, 15:510

A54. Landis, DMD, Pozzo Miller, LD., and Weinstein, LA. Cytoplasmic organization in the dendritic spines of rat hippocampal cortex in organotypic culture. Soc Neurosci., 1990, 16:500

A55. Pozzo Miller,LD.and Landis, DMD.  Organization and structure of astrocytes in organotypic cultures of rat hippocampus.  Soc. Neurosci., 1991, 17:1145

A56. Fredieu, JR, Jacoberger, JW, Collins, S. and Landis, DMD.  Phenotypic and freeze-fracture analysis of transformed astrocytes.  Soc. Neurosci., 1991, 17:1145

A57. Landis, DMD. Differentiation of reactive astrocytes.  Ann Neurol, 1992

A58. Collins, SD, Bolesta, MB, and Landis, DMD.  Monoclonal antibodies which bind to reactive astrocytes.  Soc. Neurosci., 1992, 18:786

A59. Welter, E, Skordeles, CJ, and Landis, DMD. Heterogeneity in brain astrocytes and cultured astrocytes revealed by monoclonal antibodies.  Soc Neurosci, 1992, 18:786

A60. Pozzo Miller, LD and Landis, DMD. Neuronal cell death in organotypic cultures of rat hippocampus is prevented by glutamate receptor antagonists.  Soc Neurosci, 1992, 18:440

A61. Buchanan, RA, Leapman, RD, Landis, DMD, Reese, TS, and Andrews, SB.  Calcium regulation by endoplasmic reticulum in Purkinje cell dendrites and dendritic spines.  J. Cell Biol.

A62. Fredieu, J.R., Jacobberger, J., Goodman, N., Frisa, P.S. and Landis, DMD.  Astrocyte specific cDNA's isolated by subtraction hybridization.  Soc Neurosci, 1993, 19:59

A63. Welter, E, Bolesta, MJ and Landis, DMD.  Monoclonal antibodies which bind to reactive astrocytes.  Soc Neurosci, 1993, 19:60

A64. Collins, S, Fredieu, J.R., Snyder, E, and Landis, DMD.  Proliferation of astrocytes after excitotoxic injury of adult brain.  Soc Neurosci, 1993, 19:268

A65. Landis, DMD, Pozzo Miller, LD, Mahanty, N.K., and Connor, JA.  Neuronal cell death in organotypic cultures of rat hippocampus after the removal of blockers of glutamatergic synaptic transmission.  Soc Neurosci, 1993, 19:1777

A66. Collins, S, Fredieu, JR, Fitch, M, and Landis, DMD  Cells dividing in situ after excitotoxic injury of adult brain have the characteristics of O-2A progenitor cells.  Soc Neurosci, 1994, 20:885

A67. Welter, E, Collins, S, Fredieu, JR, and Landiis, DMD Evidence for the proliferation of microglia after excitotoxic injury of adult brain.  Soc Neurosci, 1994, 20:1504

A68.  Suarez, JI, Zaidat, OO, Sunshine, JL, Tarr, RW, Sundararajan, S. Selman, WR, and Landis, DMD  Combined intravenous and intra-arterial thromboysis therapy for acute ischemic stroke.  Stroke 31: 312, 2000

A69. Sundararajan, S., Lust, W.D., Landis, DMD, and Landreth, GE  PPARg agonists reduce ischemic injury and immunoreactivity against inflammatory markers in rats.  Soc Neurosci, 2000

A70. Suarez, JI, Schoenberger, A, Zaidat, OO, Tarr, RW, Sunshine, JL, Selman, WR and Landis DM  Impact of DWI/PWI MRI on therapeutic decision making in hyper-acute ischemic stroke.  Stroke 33, 367, 2002

A71. Katzan, IL, Sundararajan, SR, Furlan, AJ, Graber, TM, Hanna, JP, Dirosa, A, Houser, G, Suarez, JI, Landis, DM  Cuyahoga County Operation Stroke:  speed of emergency department evaluation and compliance with NINDS time targets.  Stroke 33: 385, 2002

A72. Zaidat, OO, Suarez, JI, Gilkeson, RC, Sunshine, JL, Tarr, RW, Selman, WR, Landis, DMD.  Initial ischemic stroke severity and 3 months outcome predicted by aortic atheroma location and morphology as detected by cardiac cycle gated and contrasted chest tomography.  Neurology 60:A109, 2003

A73.  Leigh, R, Suarez, JI, Zaidat, OO, Lynch, G, Suri, MF, Sunshine, JL,Tarr, R, Selman, W, Landis, DMD  Predictors of clinical worsening within 24 hours of acute ischemic stroke onset in patients receiving thrombolytic therapy.  Neurology 62: A464, 2004

A74.  Zaidat, OO, Welter, E, Suarez, JI, Kacharian, N, Suri, FMK, Alexander, MJ, Landis, DMD, Selman, WR, Sunshine, JL, Tarr, R  Combined intra-venous and intra-arterial versus intra-arterial recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in acute ischemic stroke patients:  Propensity score analysis.  Neurology 62: A465, 2004

A75.  Moro, M, Zaidat, OO, Suarez, JI, Welter, E, Tarr, RW, Sunshine, JL, Selman, WR, Alexander, MJ, Landis, DMD  Endovascular recanlization predicted clinical outcome in 96 acute ischemic stroke patients treated with intra-arterial and combined itra-venous and intra-arterial recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA).  Neurology 62: A348, 2004

A76.  Katzan, IL, Furlan, AJ, Sauerbeck, L, Sila, CA, Thomas, C, Kleindorfer, D, Broderick, JP, Miller, R and Landis, DMD  The effect of abstractor training on reliability of stroke registry data.  Stroke (in press, 2006)

Scientific Presentations, Lectureships, and Program Participation

(incomplete listing: begins 1986; does not include post-graduate courses)

1.   "The form of dendritic spines and their architectural framework". Symposium on Intrinsic Determinants of Neuronal Form. CWRU School of Medicine. May 13.1986

2.   "Synaptic structure and synaptic modulation". Cellular Mechanisms of Conditioning and Behavioral Plasticity. Satellite Symposium. International Union of Physiological Sciences. University of Washington. July 14. 1986

3.   "Function of the synapse". Neuroscience Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, January 8. 1987

4.   "Alterations in membrane structure in astrocytes following circulatory arrest." The Biochemical Pathology of Astrocytes. Satellite Symposium. International Society for Neurochemistry. University of Miami. May 29.1987

5.   " New Views of Synaptic Structure. " Gordon Conference on Neural Plasticity, Wolfeboro NH July 20. 1987

6.   " Structure and Function at Synaptic Junctions " . Mountain States Society for Electron Microscopy. Denver. Colorado. April 28. 1988

7.   "Astrocyte Membrane Structure and Function". Discussions in Neuroscience, CWRU School of Medicine, May 4. 1988

8.   " Patient presentations."  Neuroscience Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland. September 30, 1988

9.   "Structural components of synaptic junctions and their potential roles in synaptic plasticity" Cellular and Molecular Approaches to Synaptic Plasticity. Short course, Society for Neuroscience, Toronto, Ontario, May 13, 1988.

10. "Sleep rhythms and insominia". Amici Medicinae, CWRU School of Medicine, December 7, 1988.

11. "Synaptic structure and function" Seminar, Department of Neurobiology, Northeast Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown, OH January 24, 1989

12. "Structure and function of synapses" Seminar, Program in Neuroscience, University of California San Francisco, California, May 4, 1989

13. "New views of synaptic structure." The George William Church Lectures in Neuroscience, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, May 19, 1989.

14. "Aspects of synaptic structure which may be related to neural plasticity." Gordon Conference on Neural Plasticity, Wolfeboro, NH July 21, 1989

15. "Astrocyte function in normal and injured brain." Neuroscience Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, January 12, 1990

16. " Structure and function of astrocytes." Seminar, Laboratory of Neurobiology, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, January 17, 1990

17. "The many faces of glia." Platform presentation, Winter Conference on Brain Research. Aspen. CO, January 29, 1990

18. "Astrocyte responses in pathologic states— Membrane responses." Session chairman, Workshop on 'Role of astrocytes in inflammatory demyelination,' National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Galveston. TX March 24, 1990

19. "Astrocyte membrane structure and function." Seminar. Institute for Advanced Studies, Mexico City, Mexico March 29, 1990

20. "Structure and function at synapses." Seminar, Universidad Nacional Autonomia de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, March 30, 1990

21. "Structure and function at synaptic junctions." Seminar, Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. OH October 4. 1990.

22. "Structure and function at synaptic junctions." Seminar, Department of Pharmacology, Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine, Piscataway NJ. October 12. 1990.

23. "Venous and Arterial Thrombosis."  Neuroscience Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, OH, January 18, 1991

24. "Improving the recovery of function after brain injury."  Seminar, Department of Neurology, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York, June 17, 1991

25. "Monoclonal antibodies which bind to astrocyte cell surfaces epitopes."  Seminar, GliaTech, Inc., August 12, 1991.

26. "Damage and Recovery in Injured Brain."  Neuroscience Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, OH  December 13, 1991

27."The role of astrocytes in the brain's response to injury."  Neuroscience Alliance, University Hospitals, Cleveland, OH, December 19, 1991.

28."Mechanisms of brain injury and recovery."  Neurology Grand Rounds, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH  March 2, 1992

29."Cytoplasmic structure in cerebellar and hippocampal dendritic spines revealed by rapid freezing methods."  Symposium speaker, American Association of Anatomists, New York, NY, March 13, 1992

30."The brain's response to injury."  Neurology Grand Rounds, University of California, San Diego, March 27, 1992

31."Molecular architecture of the synapse."  Seminar, Graduate Program in Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, March 27, 1992

32."Blood-brain interface."  Seminar, Department of Neurosurgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, April 8, 1992

33."Monoclonal markers of astrocytic differentiation.", Symposium speaker, Ireland Cancer Center, Case Western Reserve University, April 9, 1992

34. "The brain's response to injury."  Lecture, Neurobiology of Human Neurological Disease, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, June 5, 1992

35."Astrocyte differentiation and reaction to injury."  Seminar, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, June 19, 1992

36."Structure and Function at Synaptic Junctions."  Seminar, Institüt für Hirnforschung, University of Zürich, Switzerland, September 9, 1992

37."Monoclonal antibodies and localization."  Lecture, Short Course I, New Methods in Immunology, Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, Anaheim, CA, October 25, 1992

38."Astrocyte differentiation and reaction to injury."  Seminar, Entwicklungs-Neurobiologie-Kolloquium, University of Zürich-Irchel, Switzerland, November 9, 1992

39."The vesicle hypothesis."  Lecture, Special Course on the Synapse, Institüt für Hirnforschung, University of Zürich, Switzerland, November 11, 1992

40. "The brain's response to injury."  Lecture, Neurobiology of Human Neurological Disease, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, August 15, 1993

41. "What do glia do?"  Lecture, Review and Update in Neurobiology for Neurosurgeons, Woods Hole, MA, October 25, 1993

42. "Astrocyte function and the brain's reaction to injury."  Lecture, Depts Neurology and Neurosurgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, October 28, 1993

43. "Brain injury and recovery."  Neurology Grand Rounds, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, October 28, 1993

44. "Binding of rat astrocyte-specific monoclonal antibodies to human cerebral neoplasms."  Seminar, Ireland Cancer Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, January 10, 1994

45. "Astrocytic reaction to injury."  Seminar, Department of Neurosciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, February 9, 1994

46. "Brain Attack."  Neuroscience Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, February 11, 1994

47. "Brain Attack."  Morbidity and Mortality Conference, Department of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, February 24, 1994

48. "Molecular organization at synaptic junctions."  Seminar, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, March 9, 1994

49. "Brain Attack."  Grand Rounds, Department of Emergency Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, April 5, 1994

50. "The brain's response to injury."  Lecture, Neurobiology of Human Neurological Disease, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, June 23, 1994

51. "Brain Attack:  Recent experience at University Hospitals."  Neuroscience Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH,  September 2, 1994

52. "Huntington's Disease."  Medicine Grand Rounds, MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, January 12, 1995

53. "Brain Attack:  New treatments for stroke."  Neuroscience Grand Rounds, Department of Neurology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, March 1, 1995

54. "Advances in cerebrovascular disease:  thrombolysis and carotid endarterectomy"  Medicine Today, Department of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, March 10, 1995

55. "Synaptic vesicle proteins and synaptic release."  Gordon Conference on Neural Plasticity, Wolfeboro, NH, July 18,1995

56. "The brain's response to injury."  Lecture, Neurobiology of Human Neurological Disease, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, August 10, 1995

57. "Brain Attack:  Update on experience at University Hospitals."  Neuroscience Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH,  September 22, 1995

58. "Brain Attack:  the role of thrombolysis in acute cerebrovascular disease."  Special Seminar, Al Jazeira Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE, September 30, 1995

59. "Panel on responsible conduct in science:  the ethics of publication."  (moderator), Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November 10, 1995

60. "Design and implementation of thrombolytic therapy for stroke."  Special Lecture, Department of Neurology, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, November 29, 1995

61. "Thrombolytic therapy for Stroke:  the future is now".  Special Seminar, Bugshan General Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, January 8,1996

62. "Brain Attack", Seminar, Emergency Medicine, Geauga Community Hospital, Geauga, OH, January 19, 1996

63. "Thrombolytic therapy for Stroke."  Medical Conference, Merdia Southpointe Hospital, Cleveland, OH, February 26, 1996

64. "Brain Attacks--What's up with my head?"  Emergency and Pediatric Trauma Symposium, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH  March 7, 1996

65. "Thrombolytic therapy for strokes."  Medical Grand Rounds, Fairview Hospital, Cleveland, OH, March 11, 1996

66. "Stroke and TIA."  Medical Grand Rounds, Trumbull Memorial Hospital, Warren, OH, March 12, 1996

67.  "Brain Attack."  Medical Rounds, Emergency Medicine, EMH Regional Medical Center, Elyria, OH, April 3, 1996

68.  "Thrombolytic therapy for stroke."  Journal Club, University Suburban Health Center, South Euclid, OH, April 17, 1996

69.  "Thrombolytic therapy in stroke."  Grand Rounds, Meridia Euclid Hospital, Euclid, OH, October 3, 1996

70. “Stroke Carepaths,”  panelist, Rapid Identification and Treatment of Acute Stroke, NINDS National Symposium, Crystal City, VA, December 12-13, 1996

71.  “Brain Attack:  thrombolytic therapy for stroke.”  Grand Rounds, Broward General Medical Center, F. Lauderdale, FL, March 13, 1997

72. “Older Adults Task Force,” panelist, The Brain Matters Stroke Initiative, Pentagon City, VA, March 20, 1997

73. “New standards for care of stroke.”  Medicine Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, May 13, 1997

74. “Update in Brain Attacks.”  Medical Staff Rounds, Geauga Regional Hospital, Geauga, OH, May 20, 1997

75. “Research and Stroke.”, Symposium talk, Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, September 30, 1997

76. “Brain Attack:  Progress in the management of acute ischemic stroke.”  Neurology Grand Rounds, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, October 31, 1997

77.    “Stroke care in the new millennium.’  Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Broward General Medical Center, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 12, 1998

78,  "Brain Attack:  Update on experience at University Hospitals."  Neuroscience Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH,  January 29, 1999

78.    “Medical therapy for stroke.”  Joint meeting of the Section on Cerebrovascular Surgery and the American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroadiology, Nashville, TN, February 3, 1999

79.    “Brain attack protocols at University Hospitals.” Morbidity and Mortality Rounds, Department of Medicine, University Hospitals of Cleveland, OH, April 22, 1999

80.    “Anticoagulation in acute ischemic stroke”  Medical Staff Rounds, Southwest General Hospital, April 7, 2000

81.    “Operation Stroke and Brain Attack programs in UHHS”  Emergency Room Directors, UHHS, University Hospitals of Cleveland, December 19, 2000

82.    “Emergency care of acute ischemic stroke”, St. John West Shore Hospital, February 1, 2001

83.    “Emergency care of acute ischemic stroke”, Richmond Heights Hospital, March 2, 2001

84.    “Training of physician scientists.”  Neurology and Psychiatry Geriatric Educational Retreat, St. John, US VI, March 30, 2001

85.    “Training Clinician Researchers for the Next Century: The NIH Perspective.”  Society of Neurological Surgeons, Cleveland, OH, May 20, 2001

86.    “Research Training and Career Development for Neurologists.”  Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH September 20, 2001

87.    “Mentoring K-awardees”, co-organizer and moderator, American Neurological Association, Chicago, IL, September 29, 2001

88.    “Research training and career development for neurologists”, Association of University Professors of Neurology, Chicago, IL, September 30, 2001

89.    “Stroke Prevention and Management.”  University Hospitals Regional Network Grand Rounds, Cleveland, OH, October 17, 2001

90.    “Thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke”, Grand Rounds, Department of Neurosurgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, December 2, 2002

91.    “Research and training support for physician scientists.” MD-PhD mentoring course,  Association of University Professors of Neurology and NINDS, June 21, 2003

92.    “New guidelines in the management of acute ischemic stroke.”  University Hospitals Regional Network Grand Rounds, Cleveland, OH January 7, 2004

93.    “Thrombolysis in ischemic stroke”, Fourth GCC Neurology Conference, Doha, Qatar, February 24, 2004

94.    Research and training support for physician scientists.” MD-PhD mentoring course, Association of University Professors of Neurology and NINDS, June 21, 2004

95.    Research and training support for physician scientists.” MD-PhD mentoring course, Association of University Professors of Neurology and NINDS, June 18, 2005

96.    “Physician scientists in Neurology”, National Association of MD-PhD Programs, Keystone, CO, July 30, 2005

97.    “Management of acute ischemic stroke”, Medical Staff Quarterly Meeting, Richmond Heights Hospital, Willoughby, OH, December 7, 2005

Participation in post-graduate education courses

1.  Review and Update in Neurobiology for Neurosurgeons 1988--1997

2.  Update in Internal Medicine, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown, OH, May 3, 1993.  Huntington's disease

3.  "Genetics and Medicine--the future is now."  CWRU Medical Alumni Reunion Weekend, Cleveland, OH  June 4, 1994

4.  "Medical Intervention for stroke prevention."  CME (University Hospitals), Brain Attack:  Multidisciplinary Management Strategies.  Landis, conference co-director.  Cleveland, OH, April 29, 1995.

5.  "The acute management of stroke:  what is the standard of care?"  Medicine Spring 1996, Patient Management Issues for Primary Care Physicians.  Department of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Independence, OH, May 14, 1996

6.       "Prevention and Emergent Treatment of Stroke."  CME (University Hospitals), Cleveland, OH, June 11, 1996.

7.       “New strategies in transient ischemia and stroke.” CME (University Hospitals), Cleveland, OH, November 30, 1999

8.       “Best Practice in Emergency Care:  Stroke.”  CME (University Hospitals), Cleveland, OH., May 20, 2000

9.       “Thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke—promise and reality”, Kenneth Johnson Symposium, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, October 12, 2001

10.   “Secondary prevention of ischemic stroke”, CME (St. John Westshore Hospital, Westlake, OH, August 31, 2005

11.   “Causes of ischemic stroke”, the Center for Neurosciences First Annual Stroke Symposium, Cleveland, OH, November 30, 2005 (also, organizer of this course, sponsored by UHC and AHA)

Participation in Community and Paramedical Forums

1.  "The Recent Discovery of the HD Gene and the Challenge Ahead."  Address, Huntington's Disease Society of America, Northeast Ohio area.  May 15, 1993

2.  "Brain Attack:  Prevention and treatment."  Organized by University Hospitals of Cleveland, presented at Holiday Inn, Independence, OH, June 13, 1994

3.  "Brain Attack."  Amici Medicinae, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, December 14, 1994

4.  "Emergency care of Brain Attacks."  EMS Department, Medina General Hospital, Medina, OH, January 3, 1995

5.  "Brain Attack:  Stroke Prevention and Treatment."  TRW Employee Health Series, February 28, 1996.

6.  "Brain Attack Update."  Cleveland Heights EMS, March 13, 1996

7.  "Brain Attack Update."  Shaker Heights Fire Department, April 2, 1996

8.  "Brain Attack:  can strokes be prevented?"  Consumer Health Institute, University Hospitals of Cleveland, April 9, 1996

9.  "Brain Attack:  stroke prevention and treatment."  Public forum, University Primary Care Practices, University Hospitals Health System, Chagrin Falls, OH, April16, 1996

10.  "Brain Attack:  can strokes be prevented?"  Consumer Health Institute, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Westlake, OH, April 18, 1996

11.  "Brain Attack Update."  University Heights Fire Department, April 23, 1996a

12.  "The Aging Brain."  Public Forum on Alzheimer's Disease and Stroke.  Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, May 13, 1996

13.  "Recent progress in understanding Huntington's Disease."  Address, Huntington's Disease Society of America, Northeast Ohio Chapter, Cleveland, OH, May 19, 1996

14.  "Brain Attack:  New success in treating stroke."  Mahoning-Shenago Alumni Chapter, Case Western Reserve University, Warren, OH, May 23, 1996.

15.  "Brain Attack and pre-hospital care."  Geauga County EMS, Geauga General Hospital, August 16, 1996.

16.  "Brain Attack:  stroke treatment and prevention."  Consumer Health Institute, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Hudson, OH, August 26, 1996

17.  "Cerebrovascular disease", participant panel discussion, Cleveland Health Quality Choice, Academy of Medicine in Cleveland, Independence, OH, August 28, 1996

18.  "Community standards for stroke care", participant panel discussion, Greater Cleveland Hospital Association, Cleveland, OH, October 2, 1996

19.  "Brain Attack:  stroke treatment and prevention."  Consumer Health Institute, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Westlake, OH, October 3, 1996

20.  “Emergency care of stroke.” American Heart Association, Northeastern Ohio affiliate, February 12, 1997.

21.  “Brain Attacks:  Can strokes be prevented?”  Consumer Health Institute, University Hospitals Health Systems, Landerhaven, OH, October 21, 1997

22.  “Brain Attack and pre-hospital care.”  EMS and paramedics, Geneva Hospital, Geneva, OH, March 3, 1998

23.  “Brain Awareness and Brain Attack.”  Brain Awareness symposium, Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, OH, March 4, 1998

24.    “Management of acute ischemic stroke.” EMS Spring training program, Auburn, OH, April 17, 1998

25.    “Women and Stroke.”  American Heart Association Wellness at the Worksite Symposium.  Mayfield Hts, OH., November 6, 1998

26.    “Brain Attack: Stroke is a medical emergency.” Board of Trustees of Health Systems Agency of North Central Ohio, University Club, Cleveland, OH, March 24, 1999

27.    “Brain Attack: emergency care for stroke.” EMS Spring training program, Auburn, OH, April 24, 1999

28.    “Brain Attack.” EMS training program, Independence, OH, May 19, 1999

29.    “Brain Attack.” Stroke Survivors Club, Euclid Avenue Christian Church, Mayfield Heights, OH, August 18, 1999

30.    “Progress in stroke networks.” Board of Trustees of Health Systems Agency of North Central Ohio, University Club, Cleveland, OH, September 15, 1999

31.    “Emergency Care for Stroke.”  EMS, Trumbull Memorial Hospital, Warren, OH, November 3, 1999

32.    “Brain Attack.”  EMS, University Heights, OH, April 18, 2000

33.    “Brain Attack.”  Ashtabula County EMS, Jefferson, OH May 18, 2001.

34.    “Brain Attack.”  EMS, Shaker Heights, OH, June 6, 2001

35.    “Emergency Room Brain Attack Protocols.” Emergency Room Nurses Association, Cleveland, OH, October 17, 2001

36.    “Questions and answers about multiple sclerosis.”  National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Beachwood, OH, October 27, 2001

37.    “Brain Attack and first responders.”  EMS, Richmond Heights Hospital,  Cleveland, OH, January 8, 2004

38.    “Prevention and treatment of stroke.”  Retired Executives Club, Highland Hts, OH September 16, 2004

39.    “Brain Attack and first responders.”  EMS, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, May 5, 2005

40.    “Treatment and Prevention of Stroke”  Amici Medicinae, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, May 9, 2005

41.    “Brain Attack and first responders”  EMS Regional Symposium, Lyndhurst, OH September 21, 2005

Teaching Responsibilities, Case Western Reserve University

This listing is in addition to clinical teaching responsibilities, which include acting as Attending Physician on the Neurology Service and on the Neurology Consultation Service, and supervising Morning Report.

Academic year 1986-87

Lecturer,  Mind Committee. Cerebellar Anatomy, 2 hours

Lecturer, Homeostasis I. Nervous System component. Synaptic Transmission. 4 hours

Lecturer, Neuropharmacology, Cell Biology of Neurons. 3 hours

Lecturer, Optical Methods, Freeze Fracture. 3 hours

Academic year 1987-88

Lecturer, Mind Committee, Cerebellar Anatomy 1 hour. Clinical Correlations of Brainstem Anatomy 1 hour

Lecturer, Homeostasis I, Nervous System component. Synaptic Transmission. 4 hours.

 Preceptor, Neurologic History-taking and Neurological Examination. 4 hours

Lecturer, Department of Neurology Neuroscience Lecture series. Cerebellar Structure. 1 hour

Sponsor, Structure and Function of Synapses  (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Academic year 1988-89

Lecturer, Mind Committee, Cerebellar Anatomy 1 hour, Brainstem Structure & Function, 1 hour, Limbic System Structure and Function, 1 hour,Hypothalamus and Neuroendocrine Function, 1 hour

Lecturer, Homeostasis I, Nervous System Component, Synaptic Transmission, 4 hours

Lecturer, Developmental Neuroscience (N 427), Development of the Neuromuscular Junction, 3 hours

Sponsor, Research Opportunities in Neuroscience (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Structure and Function of Synapses (Type A Elective)

Lecturer, Pharmacology 505: Synaptic neurochemistry and pharmacology, Synaptic Transmission at the Neuromuscular Junction, 3 hours, Astrocyte function in the central nervous system, 3 hours

Sponsor, Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Academic year 1989-90

Lecturer, Mind Committee, Cerebellar Anatomy, 2 hours, Brainstem Structure and Function. 1 hour

Lecturer, Homeostasis I. Synaptic Transmission, 3 hours

Sponsor, Research Opportunities in Neuroscience (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Structure and Function of Synapses (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Academic year 1990-1991

Lecturer, Mind Committee. Brainstem Anatomy 2 hours; Cerebellar Anatomy, 1 hour.

Lecturer, Homeostasis I. Synaptic Transmission. 3 hours

Lecturer, Developmental Neuroscience (N 427). Development of the Neuromuscular Junction. 3 hours

Sponsor, Research Opportunities in Neuroscience (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Structure and Function of Synapses (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Introduction to Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Academic year 1991-1992

Lecturer, Homeostasis I. Synaptic Transmission. 3 hours

Sponsor, Research Opportunities in Neuroscience (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Structure and Function of Synapses (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Introduction to Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Academic year 1992-1993

(Sabbatical study, July-December)

Sponsor, Introduction to Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Academic year 1993-1994

Lecturer, Homeostasis I.  Synaptic Transmission  2 hours

Sponsor, Structure and Function of Synapses (Type A Elective)

            Sponsor, Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Academic year 1994-1995

Lecturer, Homeostasis I.  Synaptic Transmission  2 hours

Sponsor, Structure and Function of Synapses (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Academic year 1995-1996

Lecturer, Homeostasis I.  Synaptic Transmission  2 hours

Sponsor, Structure and Function of Synapses (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Academic year 1996-1997

Lecturer, Homeostasis I.  Synaptic Transmission  2 hours

Sponsor, Structure and Function of Synapses (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Academic year 1997-1998

Lecturer, Homeostasis I.  Synaptic Transmission  2 hours

Sponsor, Brain Attack (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neurology Morning Report (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Structure and Function of Synapses (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Academic year 1998-1999

Lecturer, Homeostasis I.  Synaptic Transmission  3 hours

Lecturer, Mind Committee.  Cerebrovascular disease, 1 hour

Sponsor, Brain Attack (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neurology Morning Report (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Structure and Function of Synapses (Type A Elective)

Academic year 1999-2000

Lecturer, Homeostasis  Neuromuscular Junction 2 hours

Lecturer, Mind Committee.  Cerebellar and basal ganglia disorders, 1 hour

Sponsor, Brain Attack (Type A Elective)

Academic year 2000-2001

Lecturer, Homeostasis  Neuromuscular Junction 2 hours

Sponsor, Brain Attack (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neurological Morning Report (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology (Type A Elective)

Academic year 2001-2002

Lecturer, Homeostasis  Neuromuscular Junction 2 hours

Sponsor, Brain Attack (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neurological Morning Report (Type A Elective)

Academic year 2002-2003

Lecturer, Homeostasis  Neuromuscular Junction 2 hours

Sponsor, Brain Attack (Type A Elective)

Academic year 2003-2004

Lecturer, Homeostasis  Neuromuscular Junction 2 hours

Sponsor, Brain Attack (Type A Elective)

Sponsor, Neurological Morning Report (Type A Elective)

Academic year 2004-2005

Lecturer, Homeostasis  Neuromuscular Junction 2 hours

Media Appearances/Citations (begins 1996)

Television Appearance

1.  "New progress in stroke" The Morning Exchange, Channel 5, Cleveland, OH  June 19, 1996

2.  “Screening tests for stroke” Investigative News, Channel 3, Cleveland, OH April 26. 1997

3.       “Timing of therapy for acute stroke”  News, Channel 5, Cleveland, OH, May 15, 1997

4.       Neurology Medical Commentator, Fox News, Channel 8, Cleveland, OH beginning 1/9/99

“Brain cell transplantation for stroke,” February 18, 1999

“Thrombolytic therapy for stroke”, April 1, 1999

“Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”, May 21, 1999

“Differences in brain structure between men and women”, June 16, 1999

“Brain injury in athletes”, September 10, 1999

“New cells in the brain”, November 11, 1999

“Alcohol and risk of stroke”, December 5, 1999

“Migraine and the weather, February 18, 2000

“Thrombolysis in acute stroke”, February 25, 2000

“Care for stroke in Cleveland”, March 5, 2000

“Rehabilitation after stroke”, June 2, 2000

“Concussion in football players”, September 12, 2000

“Multiple sclerosis”, August 21, 2001

5.       “Regeneration in the brain,” Golden Opportunities, Channel 3, Cleveland, OH, December 5, 1999

6.       “Former President Ford’s stroke” Evening News, Channel 3, Cleveland, OH, August 3, 2000

7.       “Stroke in Women”, Channel 8, Cleveland, OH, June 8, 2002


1.       "Multiple Sclerosis and Lou Gehrig's Disease" The Academy of Medicine Cleveland, HealthCare '96 radio program, February 7, 1996

2.       “Brain Attack—emergency care for stroke” WERE radio, May 3, 1999

3.       “Operation Stroke” WDOK radio, June 30, 2002

4.       “Prevention and treatment of stroke”  Heathlines, WCLV radio, December 9, 2005

Citations/Quotations in print

1.       Cited in "Slowpoke emergencies."  Forbes magazine, page 150-151, February 26, 1996

2.       Cited in “Why Tom Nowak is alive...” Northern Ohio Live magazine, pages 41-44, February, 1997

3.       Cited in “Brain Attack!”  Northern Ohio Live magazine, pages 54-56, February, 1998

4.       Cited in “Survivors at heart” Northern Ohio Live magazine, pages 57-60, February, 1999

5.       Cited in “Screening...” Plain Dealer, August, 1999

6.       Cited in “Hospital group....”, Plain Dealer, pages 1, 16A, August 18, 1999

7.       Cited in “City risking lives...”, Plain Dealer, pages 1, 18A, August 26, 1999

8.       Cited in “City had ‘new’ stroke plan...” Plain Dealer, pages 1,12A, August 28, 1999

9.       Cited in “Good stroke treatment...” Plain Dealer, page 4H, September 12, 1999

10.   Cited in “Clinic test tracks use of drug in strokes” Plain Dealer, pages 1, 2B, December 1, 1999

11.   Cited in “promising stroke treatment” Chagrin Valley Times, December 9, 1999

12.   Cited in “Stroke Savior?” Plan Dealer, page 1, January 23, 2000

13.   Cited in: “Ford’s prognosis ‘good’. 8/2/00

14.   Cited in: “Emergency rooms often victims of CT scanners…” Plain Dealer, page 7-A, April 2, 2001

15.   Cited in: “Clinic tries to cut stroke drug risks.”  Plain Dealer, page 1, A6, February 19, 2002

16.   Cited in: “Budget deficits, Medicare Cuts…”  Neurology Today, page 1, March, 2003

17.   Cited in: “Schiavo autopsy…”  Plain Dealer, April 1, 2005


1.       Best Doctors in Northern Ohio, 2000-

2.       Who’s Who Among American Teachers 2004-

3.       Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare

4.       Who’s Who in Science and Engineering

5.       Who’s Who in Medical Sciences Education, 2005

6.       Guide to America’s Top Physicians, 2004-2005

7.       Best Doctors in America, 2005-

Summary Extramural Funding by Individual Grants (through 2002)                                                            


Title, Source, Identifaction

Project Dates

Total Direct Costs


Principal Investigator

Freeze-fracture study of synaptogenesis

Harvard Medical School Milton Fund

7/1/1978                -6/30/1979



Principal Investigator

Membrane structure during synaptogenesis

NIH NINCDS (Teacher-Investigator Award)





Principal Investigator

Membrane structure in neurons and



R01 NS 15573-01 to 03





Immunocytochemical studies of Huntington’s



P01 NS 16367-01 to 05





Modulation at vertebrate neuromuscular


Muscular Dystrophy Association




Principal Investigator

Membrane structure in neurons and astrocytes

Massachuesetts General Hospital-BRSG





Modulation at vertebrate neuromuscular junctions

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of America




Principal Investigator

The effects of neuroactive compounds on LTP





Principal Investigator

Membrane structure in neurons and astrocytes


R01 NS 15573-03S1




Principal Investigator

Membrane structure in neurons and astrocytes


R01 15573-03S2




Principal Investigator

Membrane structure in neurons and astrocytes


R01 NS 15573-04 to 05





Immunocytochemical study of neuronal loss in AD


Alzheimers Disease Research Center




Principal Investigator

Membrane structure in neurons and astrocytes


R01 NS 23641-01 to 02




Principal Investigator

Astrocyte membrane structure and cerebral edema

American Heart Assoc.

NEO Affiliate




Principal Investigator

Structure and function of astrocytes


R01 NS 22614-01 to 03




Principal Investigator

Transmission electron microscope facility


Shared Instrumentation Grant




Principal Investigator

Structure and function at synapses


R01 NS 23641-04 to 08




Principal Investigator

Structure and function of astrocytes

NIH NINDS Javits Award

R01 NS 22614-04 to 10




Principal Investigator

Astrocytes in spinal cord injury

GliaTech, Inc.




Principal Investigator

Astrocyte resonse in spinal cord injury

Paralyzed Veterans





Monoclonal antibodies that bind to astrocytic neoplasms


P01 CA 60171-01 to 03





Brain Tumor Resource Core


P30 CA 43703-05 to 07




Site Principal Investigator

Lubeluzole: effects of intravenous therapy in subjects with acute ischemic stroke

Janssen Pharmaceuticals




Site Principal Investigator

Eliprodil in patients with acute ischemic stroke

Lorex Pharmaceuticals





Site Principal Investigator

The effects of 500mg citicholine on the evolution of lesion volume in human stroke

Interneuron Pharmaceuticals



Landis Investigator

Interventional Management of Stroke


R01 NS 39160-01 to 03



Landis Investigator

Incidence and prevalence of stroke in Ohio


Coverdell Grant



Landis Investigator


Management of Stroke II



Landis Investigator


Management of Stroke III





Development activities (1997--)

1.  Parke-Davis. Gift for development of computer-based medical records.1997                    200,000

2.       Ray and Elizabeth Evans Foundation Trust.  Gift for research related to

                                                            Parkinson’s disease. 1998                                  200,000

3.       Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller Foundation.  Gift for research related to

                        Alzheimer’s disease. 1999                                                                      750,000

                        Renewed, 2002                                                                                      .800,000

4,  Elizabeth Evans, Gift for research related to Parkinson’s disease, 1999             250,000

5.  MacAfee Foundation, Gift for research related to Parkinson’s disease  2001

                                                                                                            received                25,000

                                                                                                            committed             75,000         

6.  Taubman Estate, Gift for research related to multiple sclerosis, 2002

                                                                                                      received            635,000

Development in conjunction with the Dean’s Office

1.       Holmes Chair in Neurology.  (to support research on neuromuscular disorders,

                        Especially Guillain-Barre syndrome) 1999                                                1,200,000

2.       Blair-Daroff Chair in Neurology (in honor of the contributions of Dr. Robert

                        Daroff) 1998                                                                   received               600,000

                                                                                                            Committed        1,400,000

3.       Mrs. Blair.  Gift for neurological research, in honor of the contributions of Dr.

                        Robert Daroff. 1998                                                                                   750,000

Development in conjunction with University Hospitals of Cleveland

1.       Gilbert W. and Louise Ireland Humphrey Foundation.  Gift to the endowment of the

                        Gilbert W. Humphrey Chair.                                                        1998         25,000

1999                  10,000

2000                  10,000

2.       Maxine Stone and John Flower Professorship (to support research and patient care for patients with cerebrovascular disease)

                                                                                                                        2004     1,500,000



©2009 Dennis M. D. Landis

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